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As a subset under Parish & Family Life, the Social Action group offers works of mercy (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead) first and foremost, and are the hallmark of this ministry.  In both the simple and complex affairs the goal is the same, uplifting the human person, child of God in the environment where they are found.




The group meets the first Tuesday of each month in the basement of the religious education building to repurpose clothing for children, make aprons for nursing homes or to make layette items.





Is in conjunction with Good Neighbors interfaith ministries as a vehicle to distribute gifts to needy children in the Norris area and patients in the Norris Rehabilitation Nursing home.  People adopt the angels and return them with gifts which are distributed with food baskets at the holiday season. 





The Norris Area Food Pantry provides food to the needy in East Anderson County.  Located at the Norris United Methodist Church and financially supported by all churches in Norris and surrounding areas.  Through Volunteers from the community at large food is collected and purchased throughout the month and distributed on the third Thursday of the month.  The Clothes Closet associated with the Pantry distributes clothing and household items on the same day.





Is a non-profit organization that provides a home away from home for families of seriously ill children

receiving treatment at nearby hospitals. In an effort to reduce stress, keep families intact and enhance the quality of life it provides affordable services in a caring home-like atmosphere.  




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