St. Joseph Catholic Church
3425 Andersonville Highway
P.O. Box 387
Norris, TN 37828
In the Diocese of Knoxville
"Becoming Disciples of the Gospel"
The duties of this group are to support audio and written communications as needed or required to keep parishioners informed of events; Maintaining sound system within the Church so all attending services are included in the Liturgy.
Our weekly Sunday Bulletin provides our parishioners with a tangible connection to mass times, server schedules, upcoming events, announcements, news from the Diocese of Knoxville, writings and viewpoints from Catholic writers - and so much more - in a colorful and convenient format. Submissions for our Sunday Bulletin must be received by the previous Wednesday at 5pm for inclusion in the next edition.
Manages the sound systems in the Church area and Social Hall. Updating microphones as needed or when requested.
Gathers information for the St Joseph website, keeping information updated and available for all to see.