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Ruth-Anne Bollinger, asked me to relay that she has toilet paper and paper towels should any elderly need some. Her phone number is 865-363-6474. Thank you!


The following people are celebrating birthdays this week: 


Bennie Grace

Chris Curtin

Elizabeth Hamby

Rebecca McGee

Pandy Blihar


Happy Birthday and know we wish you all health and happiness.




Happy anniversary to


David and Catherine DelVecchio


who celebrated their 37th


St. Joseph Catholic Church

3425 Andersonville Highway (TN61)

P.O. Box 387

Norris, TN  37828


Office Hours:

Tues & Thur 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

© 2016  St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Community strives to strengthen the Kingdom of God through our worship, service to others, spiritual growth and evangelization. We are a family-oriented, welcoming community, with Christ as our focus. We participate with and support the greater community in works that encourage strong families and community development. Our growing family includes all age groups, caring for each other's needs.

Mission Statement

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