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IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM BISHOP STIKA - New decree regarding Covid-19 restrictions: 


* The general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is officially reinstated effective May 22/23 in the Diocese of Knoxville.

        Those who have significant fear or anxiety about COVID should speak to Fr. Richard about the obligation. 

* Social distance mandate within the pews throughout the entire church will be reduced to 3 feet versus the 6 ft. restriction.  With this new restriction, every pew may be used for the seating of parishioners, so the chains will be removed.

* Facemasks will still be required for the next 3 months, but unless conditions change, the requirement to wear a protective facemask during Mass will be lifted the weekend of July 31-Aug 1

* Effective May 24 Chancery/Office staff will no longer be required to wear facemasks.

* Passing Collections baskets for offertory from person-to-person is lifted.  Parishioners may feel more comfortable bringing personal hand sanitizers to sanitize their hands. 

* Holy water fonts will remain dry.  All Hymnals, Daily Missals, etc will still not be used.  If liturgy/music sheets are provided, parishioners must take them with them as they exit.

* Holy Communion: Communicants will proceed in a single file 3 ft apart.  When they reach the distribution, they will need to sanitize their hands with sanitizer provided, extend their arms and hands towards the priest to receive the Holy Eucharist in their palms, then immediately consume the Host and then place their facemask back on and proceed to pew/seat.  Holy Communion received on the tongue will take place in a separate distinct line if available (or after the Mass has ended if not).  The priest/Eucharistic Minister must disinfect his/her hands between EACH Communicant.

* Singing is permitted.

* Food/drinks at meetings will be permitted in either pre-packaged containers or served by designated persons who will be required to wear a mask, gloves and sanitize.

* Sanitization, after all parishioners have exited the church or meeting space, will still be required.


The parish is selling a 30" white electric whirlpool range ($175), an under-the-counter stainless whirlpool dishwasher ($175), a set of gas logs ($150) and a 25 foot by 11-foot carpet at the rectory. The appliances were purchased in 2019 and have not been used much. We also are selling a queen size bed including box springs and mattress, a love seat, 3 large chairs and two 75 inches tall 18 inch deep and 30-inch-wide illuminated cabinets for $150.00 each. Also for sale is a 32 inch by 45-inch pedestal table. Please call or see Sally Jackson (865-599-0137) to see or purchase any of these by May 12.

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